➡️ How to add ROOBEE liquidity on BurgerSwap

To add liquidity on BurgerSwap, go to the "Pool" tab and select "Add Liquidity"

Select the pair you want to provide bROOBEE liquidity to. In our case, we've chosen the BNB token.

Next, specify the amount of bROOBEE/BNB in a 50-50 ratio to provide liquidity and confirm the transaction.

Once confirmed, you'll be able to access information on your liquidity pool.Here's what the terms in the screenshot mean:

  • APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the annual yield of the pool

  • Pooled BNB is the amount of BNB in your pool

  • Pooled bROOBEE is the amount of ROOBEE in your pool

  • Liquidity mining is the rewards that you earn for providing liquidity

  • Pool fees are the fees that you earn from trades done by other traders. You can choose to earn fees in BURGER, USDT, or BNB

  • Your pool share is the share of your tokens in the total amount of tokens in the pool

Last updated