How to swap ROOBEE on BurgerSwap
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To swap ROOBEE (BEP20) on BurgerSwap, go to the "Swap" tab and select the ROOBEE token.
If you can't find bROOBEE by search, you'll need to add the token manually.
In order to add bROOBEE manually, enter the ROOBEE smart contract address on the BSC network, as shown in the screenshot below.
ROOBEE smart contract address on the BSC network: 0xe64f5cb844946c1f102bd25bbd87a5ab4ae89fbe
Next, select the token that you want to swap for ROOBEE. In our case, we've chosen BNB.
Please note: the transaction fee is charged in BNB, and usually is between $0,01 and $0,05 (in contrast to the fees on the Ethereum network).
That's it. ROOBEE will show up in your MetaMask wallet.
In the next guide, we will talk about how to add BNB/ROOBEE liquidity on BurgerSwap to earn interest on trades done by other traders.